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Artist Highlight - Sara Lansdell

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

In our Ddraig House artist highlight we celebrate the artists and animators who have been working hard to bring our games to life!


I am an artist currently living in Philadelphia, but I got my BFA and BS in the mid-west before heading out to explore this city.

My biggest love in life is seeing new places and things, and I love animation and video games since they are an accessible way of doing that even from your home.

Concept Art for an upcoming release.

Before discovering the world of concept art and production work for films and games near the end of high school, I thought the only thing I could do with art was draw exactly what I see in a photo.

Asset design for an upcoming release.

But after falling in love with the art book for How to Train Your Dragon 2, my favorite movie series of all time, I have been chasing down that sense of awe and wonder it made me feel and strive to create it in my own art.

Concept Art for an upcoming release.


Games like Okami and the Legend of Zelda series have also been hugely important to me.


Concept Art for an upcoming release.

I love working with vibrant colors and stylized designs, and as someone who struggles being emotive in real life, I enjoy expressing emotions and mood through the environments and characters I paint.

Concept Art for an upcoming release.

Since starting as an artist at Ddraig House, I've had the pleasure of helping to bring the worlds of Lunafon and other projects to life through background painting, concept art, asset painting, and more.

To see more of Sara's work:


Sara is an important part of our team and is currently lead artist on one of our upcoming titles. Come back soon to see more of her work as we approach release!

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